Healing Alchemy

In-Person Circle

Intention is the powerful starting point of our lives. It is the creative force that manifests all of our needs. Everything that happens in the universe begins with intention.  And as we know, our thoughts become things. So it stands to reason that if we want to create something wonderful in our lives, we need only start with the intention to do so. We are powerful creators and what we focus on expands. By surrounding ourselves with loving intentions - for ourselves and others - we open up the floodgates to an abundant life experience. Intention is pure creative energy waiting to be harnessed.

Shamanic Circle

Now is the time for fresh starts and new beginnings. It's a time to let go of the past and move forward into the future.  During these healing circles, we will take some time to breathe with intention and clear away any energies that aren't serving us. By the end of the circle, you will feel refreshed, renewed, and ready to face the life with excitement and optimism. 

During this inner Voyage we will:

  • Do Sacred Plant Medicine with Sacred Rapé.

    Rape´ is a traditional shamanic snuff made from finely ground tobacco and a variety of other herbs. It is used in sacred ceremonies by indigenous tribes in the Amazon region as a way to connect with the spiritual realm and promote healing. The act of taking rape´ is considered extremely sacred. Rape´ can be a powerful tool for grounding and centering oneself, as well as for restoring balance and harmony in one's life. It has the potential to transform both body and soul.

  • Set our intentions for healing - What are we ready to let go of? What do we want to embody and bring in?

    When we reflect on the past and set our sights on healing, we welcome new opportunities in our lives. Setting intentions are essentially important for our growth. It can help us to identify what we need to do for our healing and to manifest the life we want. It can be helpful to think about what we want to create in our lives rather than what we want to leave behind. Doing so can help us to move forward with purpose and clarity. By setting an intention, we are tapping into our power to create change and transformation.

  • Shamanic Clearing and Alchemy Breathing

    Shamanic healing will allow us to free ourselves from old stuck energies so we can truly embody our intention.

    Alchemy breathing is a powerful breathing technique that can help you to heal on many levels. This type of breath work combines conscious breathing, gentle body acupuncture, movement, sound therapy, and healing affirmations. The aim is to help you to release any blocks that are holding you back from living your best life. This practice helps to clear stagnant energy, emotions, and traumas that are stored in the body. Alchemy breathing is a potent tool that can help you to feel more balanced, present, and aligned with your highest self.

  • High Alchemy Sound Healing

    What do all ancient shamans have in common? They’ve all used sound as a form of healing. Whether it involves wind instruments, drums or chants, these cultures recognized centuries ago what acoustic researchers discovered in the 20th century – that sound has medical applications.

    Sound healing uses qualities such as resonance, vibration, harmony, rhythm, melody, balance and timbre. Everyone has four states of mind: beta (normal conscious state), alpha (relaxed state), theta (meditative state) and delta (deep sleep state). To put it simply, the aim of sound healing is to find the right frequency, vibration and rhythm to align our brain waves with the alpha and theta state where healing can take place. This benefits our organs and cells, as well as our circulatory, endocrine, and metabolic systems.

    The High Alchemy bowls are works of art typically crafted from rare, precious materials, which amplifies healing.

    Alchemy crystal bowls are different from lower end singing bowls (non-alchemy) or Himalayan brass singing bowls because of their superior ability to hold vibrations. This gives them a more intense reverberation and longer-lasting tones with several different harmonics and overtones. An alchemy crystal bowl produces a different quality of sound, and their beauty is immediately apparent when you play multiple bowls at once. Description goes here


Friday, March 24th, 2023 

What time?

6 pm EST - 7:30 pm EST


Private Home in Leesburg, VA
(once you have signed up, you’ll receive an email with address)



Space is limited! Sign up now!

Healing Alchemy Circle