Why a Spiritual Healer?
A Spiritual Healer is a healing vessel who has answered the call to put God, Spirit-Divine Intelligence first and foremost in their life.
A Spiritual Healer is a person of High Spiritual Consciousness. They are trained in the study of Spiritual Healing, Breathing techniques, subconscious reprogramming, Yoga, Science of Mind, manifestation, Affirmative Prayer, Shamanic healing, remover of negative energy, and they have a deep relationship with God and the Akashic realm.
To become a Certified Spiritual Healer an individual must complete a strict One-year required training of study, daily meditation, yoga, deep inner shadow-work, subconscious reprogramming, thoroughly understanding the cosmic laws, have a deep devotion to Spirit, pass a comprehensive written exam, and be approved by The Divine Temple Spiritual Sanctuary and The practitioners of Holistic Medicine.
Their licenses are renewed every year after the approval of required continuing education, daily spiritual practice, and service hours.
Why Use a Spiritual Healer Certified by The Divine Temple Spiritual Sanctuary?
Spiritual Healers are a healing presence on Earth!
Our Spiritual Healers hold a High code of ethics and integrity!
A Spiritual Healer will guide you to heal and support you in:
Removing blocks that are not working for your good
Examine the use of manifestation to create the life you desire
Benefits of working with a Spiritual Healer:
Peace of Mind
Inner awakening
Manifesting your desires
Inspiration & Inner Realization
Living from Christ Consciousness
Living the Life you Envision
Clarity of Thought
Healing & Transformation
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